Want a one-stop source?  We have access to millions of aircraft and engine parts and components , avionics , consumables that are on hand.  Need it shipped same day? Not a problem.  After hours? Email contact@as-aviation.com or call our 24/7 AOG Line at +1 (305) 788-8977

Seeking factory new parts? AS Aviation is an Authorized Distributor for a range of OEMs. 
Want to reach more customers? AS Aviation provides global distribution services for aircraft and engine parts and components.

Looking for a managed repair provider you can count on to save you money and meet your turn-around-time requirements? AS Aviation’s network of approved MROs allows us to leverage our purchasing power to manage the entire repair cycle for you – whether a single component or aircraft maintenance.

Want to generate cash quickly?  We buy entire inventories – rotables and expendables – as well as individual rotable and repairable components for commercial, regional, and corporate aircraft.CONSIGNMENT SERVICES
Seeking a partner to market and sell your excess inventory whether parts, components or engines? We’ll warehouse your consigned inventory at our headquarters, market your parts every day, take the order and get it out the door fast.  Let us eliminate your accounts receivable credit risk. It’s the right way to reduce your storage costs, generate revenue, and free up time to focus on what you do best.
Need an experienced team that will market your retiring aircraft to a global audience and bring you the best possible return?  Consigning aircraft to AS Aviation can shorten your cycle-time and increase your returns.